Thursday, February 3, 2011

Introducing Barton Bear! I made this little bear from some locally sourced alpaca fiber that I got from The Yarn Store in Nob Hill. It's a beautiful marled brown and white and oh so soft. I had originally thought to make an alpaca from it, but it just begged to be a teddy bear. My mom, who is great for bouncing ideas off of, had mentioned that I should make a bear cub with a beehive. I just happened to have some little composite bees that I collected from somewhere. Everything just came together to make this guy so sweet. He really is even more of a darling in person than in photographs, as is the case with most of my felties.

As I side note, I still have a big ball of this brown alpaca left to do something with and I need ideas. If you come up with a great idea for a felty and I use it I will happily send you a coupon code for 25% off anything in the shop as my way of saying thank you!


  1. i have lots of ideas! otter, beaver, armadillo, big foot, hmmm i thought of another one but can't remember now.. it will come to me!

  2. How about a meerkat, goundhog or a moose?
